Underrepresented Groups Resources

 Fact Sheets - Supporting Under-Represented Groups: Success, Challenges, Strategies
Author(s):   Community Literacy of Ontario
Published:   June 2023
Funder:   MLITSD

Community Literacy of Ontario (CLO) has created three new fact sheets outlining success, challenges, and strategies for providing enhanced support for under-represented groups in the labor force.

In 2021, the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development prioritized five areas for the Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) program. One area is the increased support for underrepresented groups in the labor force, including Indigenous persons, newcomers to Canada, persons with disabilities, racialized persons, women, and youth. CLO has responded to this need by creating these three factsheets.

File(s):  Archive (ZIP) Underrepresented Groups Fact Sheets (CLO).zip
URL:  https://www.communityliteracyofontario.ca/wp/wp-content/uploads/NEWS-Supporting-Under-Represented-Groups-Fact-Sheets-Copy-Copy.pdf
Linked to:   OALCF
Skills for Success
