The purpose of Adding Value: Building a Performance Framework – Phase 2 was to provide the Literacy and Basic Skills support organizations in Ontario with information, training, and tools that would allow them to increase their knowledge of performance management concepts.
This beginner's guide is intended to ease the transition process for the newly hired program coordinator/manager of a smaller Literacy and Basic Skills organization.
Includes a PowerPoint which can be accessed here:
The French version of the guide can be accessed here: French
This project combines a variety of innovative consultation mechanisms and online training opportunities to help Ontario’s non-profit organizations learn about the value of creating a culture of evaluation and how to foster this in their own organizations.
Over the course of this project, we created valuable online products to support non-profit organizations with evaluation, including:
This project brought together the agencies that provide language and literacy programming within the regions of Literacy Network Northeast, Literacy Northwest and the Mid North Network in Ontario. The goal was to enhance communication and referrals among the agencies.
Literacy Network Northeast was leading the project Linking Literacy Service Plans to Language which was intended to enhance and increase the capacity of networks and other agencies to produce more inclusive Literacy Service Plans. The objective of the project was to produce the resource and supports in French that are used in the literacy planning process. The Network developed a best practice model through consultations and focus groups, piloting the model and the resources being developed, and producing a final document to address the critical issue to full participation.
This document is a practical guide to facilitating service coordination among adult literacy agencies in a geographic community. It contains terms of reference, roles, responsibilities and facilitative suggestions for developing a comprehensive Literacy Service Plan.
This project management methodology will assist networks in delivery of literacy projects. The methodology is a simplified toolkit that takes tried and true project management theory and summarizes it in a step-by-step guide to delivering a project in the literacy sector in Ontario. By applying a formal methodology, project managers can help to ensure that their projects are truly successful and avoid or at least minimize the number of headaches that are often associated with projects. This methodology will benefit not only those with limited project management knowledge or experience, but also those who have delivered their share of projects. It will provide an overview and detailed steps successfully managing a project, and provide helpful tips that can turn a good project manager into a great one.
Zip file of a collection of resources helpful for staff orientation.
LBS programs are working to attain the “Fully in Place” marker in the Ministry’s Agency Self-Assessment tool for implementing the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF). Simcoe/Muskoka Literacy Network (SMLN) and QUILL interviewed LBS programs, across the province, which are “Fully in Place” to gather their best practices and samples of their documents.
This webinar brought together LBS practitioners from across Ontario to learn about some of the helpful occupational curriculum being used in LBS programs.