Underrepresented Groups Resources

 Truth and Reconciliation, Racial Justice, and Equity
Author(s):   Ontario Non-profit Network
Published:   Ongoing
Funder:   Unknown

The Ontario Non-profit Network created a Racial Justice website as part of its online Resource Center.

The Racial Justice website contains resources and tools to enhance your non-profit organization’s commitment to anti-racism, equity, and inclusion. This website features a curated list of resources that address systemic and institutional racism and offer ways for non-profit organizations to work toward racial justice.

ONN’s racial justice resources for non-profits include:

• Truth and Reconciliation

• Organizational culture

• Leadership

• Funding

• Community engagement

• Programs and education

URL:  https://nonprofitresources.ca/reconciliation-racial-justice-equity/
Linked to:   N/A
