Underrepresented Groups Resources

 National Research Project on Literacy & Essential Skills as a Poverty Reduction Strategy
Author(s):   Frontier College (Now called United for Literacy)
Published:   March 2019
Funder:   The Government of Canada's National Essential Skills Initiative

The National Research Project on Literacy and Essential Skills as a Poverty Reduction Strategy offers important insights into the links between literacy and essential skills upgrading for low-skilled adults and poverty reduction strategies in Canada. The National Research Project clearly establishes that literacy instruction can provide low-skilled adults living in poverty with important social inclusion and economic benefits that help build knowledge, confidence, resilience, and autonomy.

These topics are included in the important report:

• Report Highlights

• Key Research Findings

• Strategic Recommendations

The strategic recommendations were informed by the project’s key findings. They are organized into two areas of focus: policy recommendations and program and service delivery recommendations.

File(s):  PDF document literacy-as-a-poverty-reduction-strategy-final-report-1.pdf
URL:  https://srdc.org/project/literacy-and-essential-skills-as-a-poverty-reduction-strategy-national-research-report/
Linked to:   Essential Skills
