Underrepresented Groups Resources

 Disability and Poverty in Canada – 2023 Report Card
Author(s):   Disability Without Poverty
Published:   2023
Funder:   Unknown

Disability Without Poverty's First Annual Report Card on disability and poverty in Canada presents a series of indicators illustrating the experience of people with disabilities.

Both quantitative and qualitative data are shared. Quotes and reflections from people with disabilities are included throughout the report card to better understand the real-life challenges behind the numbers.

Here are some of the topics covered in this important report:

• Overview of Disability and Poverty in Canada

• The Depth of Disability Poverty in Canada

• Provincial and Territorial Disability Assistance Programs

• Select Sociodemographic Profile of People with Disabilities

• Barriers to Labour Force Participation

• Overview of Groups at the Highest Levels of Poverty

File(s):  PDF document DWP-Report-Card-23-FINAL_compressed.pdf
URL:  https://www.disabilitywithoutpoverty.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/DWP-Report-Card-23-FINAL_compressed.pdf
Linked to:   N/A
