On August 23, 2022, Community Literacy of Ontario was pleased to host a successful webinar called “Learner Recruitment Strategies & Identifying Your Customer Personas.” In this webinar, we heard about the innovative strategies and promising new practices implemented by LBS agencies. As well, you will learn how to use the marketing tactic of identifying your "Customer Personas" to more efficiently connect with your learners online and on social media platforms.
Webinar: https://vimeo.com/745004236
There is a critical need to share learner recruitment challenges, strategies and new approaches amongst Ontario’s Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) programs. This is due to the negative impacts of COVID-19 on community programming, changing trends in marketing, the impact of new media as well as other factors. The ability of LBS programs to successfully recruit learners is critical to support communities and adults seeking to upgrade their skills. To assist LBS agencies with this important issue, Community Literacy of Ontario (CLO) created a research report and three accompanying factsheets.
In this webinar, we explored the best practices of using video as a marketing tool for LBS programs. This webinar aims to support program needs such as
partnership building with local employers and other stakeholders.
This webinar will maximize the impact of the workplace literacy videos developed in 2022-2023 by LLSC and partners. The videos are available here:
You can watch the recorded version of the webinar via the link below.
The slide deck is attached below.
Tip Sheet #1 – Networking
This Tip Sheet shares:
Link to the Directory of Workforce Planning Boards, Chambers of Commerce, and Economic Development Offices: https://www.communityliteracyofontario.ca/wp/wp-content/uploads/Tip-Sheet-Extra-Directory.pdf
Tip Sheet #2 – Best Practices for Sharing Video
Link to prepared social media graphics: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1362aFtKR0k1apVarYNVTX244Vcv_BlRL
Tip Sheet #3 – Using Marketing Language
Community Literacy of Ontario researched innovative approaches to marketing in Literacy and Basic Skills programs. Based on this research, CLO created the Research Bulletin on Marketing Success Stories in LBS.
In this resource, CLO shares five LBS marketing success stories: