Underrepresented Groups Resources

 The Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion Website
Author(s):   Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion
Published:   Ongoing
Funder:   Unknown

The Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) is a not-for-profit organization that promotes diversity, inclusion, and equity in Canadian workplaces.

The Centre offers diversity, inclusion, and employment equity toolkits. Some of these toolkits are intended for businesses, and others offer ready-to-run workshops originally developed for high school students but are appropriate for a much broader audience.

The Centre’s website contains valuable information on diversity and inclusion issues including toolkits, resources, webinars, success stories, campaigns, newsletters, and more.

Topics include:

• Making the Case for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

• Unconscious Bias

• Exploring My Power and Privilege

• Prejudice, Bias, And Discrimination

• Honouring Black History

• Navigating Race in Canadian Workplaces

• Developing a Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

• Navigating the Conflict Zone and Becoming an Ally

URL:  https://ccdi.ca/
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