Underrepresented Groups Resources

 No Simple Story: Singles, Deep Poverty and Ontario Works in Toronto
Author(s):   City of Toronto Employment and Social Services
Published:   2018
Funder:   Unknown

“No Simple Story: Singles, Deep Poverty and Ontario Works in Toronto” is an extraordinary resource for anyone trying to learn more about poverty issues.

No Simple Story overviews the research conducted into singles on Toronto's Ontario Works (OW) caseload.

The report profiles the life stories of 30 research participants.

Their stories are profiled across the following four sections:

• PATHWAYS: This section highlights some of the reasons that people turn to Ontario Works.

• SUPPORTS: This section overviews the experiences of participants with OW and their interactions with the system.

• EXPERIENCES: This section focuses on several of the overarching themes that emerged from the interviews. Participants shared powerful stories that spoke to resilience and hope. Others shared the hardship, isolation, stigma, and discrimination they have faced.

• JOURNEYS: This section emphasizes the views of the participants as they look to the future. Some are looking forward with hope. Others are looking forward in despair, believing that their lives will only become worse and that there is no hope left for them.

File(s):  PDF document 9611-OW-Singles-Study-Report-3-No-Simple-Story_FINAL.pdf
URL:  https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/9611-OW-Singles-Study-Report-3-No-Simple-Story_FINAL.pdf
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