Underrepresented Groups Resources

 Interviewing Tips for Applicants on the Autism Spectrum
Author(s):   Melanie Whetzel
Published:   Unknown - Volume 10, Issue 01
Funder:   Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

This article aims to support job applicants on the autism spectrum in showcasing their strengths and abilities effectively. It also provides guidance for employers on how to implement accommodations during the job interview process to ensure that candidates can present themselves and their skills in a supportive space. The article focuses on the following topics:

·       Interviewing

·       Disclosure

·       Accommodation

·       Knowledge

·       Preparation

·       Restraint

·       Confidence

In addition, the entire JAN website contains a wealth of information about job accommodations and issues related to disabilities.

URL:  https://askjan.org/publications/consultants-corner/vol10iss01.cfm
Linked to:   N/A