Apprenticeship (SFS)


Creating Apprenticecship Friendly LBS Services - Preparing a Learner for Apprenticeship (Module #2)

Author(s): Laubach Literacy Ontario
Published: 2023
Funder(s): MLITSD

Laubach Literacy Ontario (LLO) has developed a series of resources to support LBS agencies in increasing their capacity to support apprenticeship – with the goal of creating apprenticeship-friendly LBS services. There are four modules:

  • Module 1: Apprenticeship and LBS – Understanding the Market Opportunity
  • Module 2: Preparing a Learner for Apprenticeship
  • Module 3: LBS and Apprenticeship Support
  • Module 4: Supporting Apprentices to Become Journeypersons

This module focuses on how LBS agencies can support adult learners who are considering apprenticeship as their employment goal.

Module Outcomes

• Understand how LBS can support adult learners in learning more about the apprenticeship system in Ontario.

• Identify how apprenticeship eligibility drives adult learners’ participation in LBS.

• Identify organizations that can support foreign credential recognition in Ontario.

• Select and evaluate tools to assess adult learners’ skills in relation to apprenticeship.

• Integrate language into adult learners’ training plans that is specific to apprenticeship.

• Analyze existing learning activities and curriculum related to apprenticeship and select appropriate materials for learners on the apprenticeship pathways.

• Evaluate your agency’s ability to support adult learners preparing for apprenticeship.

• Identify key partners and stakeholders that share your interest in preparing adult learners for apprenticeship.

• Plan for professional development for staff within your LBS agency to increase their knowledge of apprenticeship.

• Evaluate how Skills for Success impacts the apprenticeship pathway.

• Describe Pre-Apprenticeship and ways LBS can support Pre-Apprenticeship programming in Ontario.

File(s): PDF document LLSC Apprenticeship Module 2.pdf
Skills for Success: Collaboration
Problem Solving