Digital Delivery e-Channel (SFS)


Basic Budgeting Course

Author(s): Deaf Learn Now
Published: 2024
Funder(s): MLITSD

In this course, learners will learn how to budget. The central aim of the course is to support Deaf learners’, and in particular newcomers’, independence, and comfort with financial literacy, including how to budget for daily, weekly, monthly, and annual costs, navigate online payment services, and introduce Canadian financial services and supports (including banks).

Curriculum Resource: Introduction

This resource will introduce learners to the world of budgeting. Relevant vocabulary, tips, and skills will be presented, and the goals of the course outlined.  

Curriculum Resource: What is a Budget?

This resource will explore what a budget is and why it’s important to use. Learners will look at example personas and budgets. Relevant vocabulary, tips, and skills will be presented, and templates shared.

Curriculum Resource: What Should You Budget For?

This resource will look at what needs to be budgeted for – including basic needs such as rent, bills, groceries, etc. Using personas and scenarios, lists of needs and services will be outlined, and templates shared.

Curriculum Resource: Creating a Budget

This resource will have students create a budget using a template. Learners will include costs such as rent, groceries, transportation, emergency funds, and savings.

Curriculum Resource: Summary

This resource will summarize all the learning points of the course and offer additional resources and website links.

OALCF Alignment


Task Group


Competency A -Find and Use Information

A3. Extract information from films, broadcasts and presentations


Competency D - Use Digital Technology



Competency A -Find and Use Information

A2. Interpret documents


Choose an item.

Choose an item.

Choose an item.

Choose an item.

Choose an item.

Choose an item.

Goal Paths: Employment, Independence


File(s): Archive (ZIP) DLN Cover Pages
Skills for Success: Adaptability
Problem Solving