Employment Goal Path Resources

 Retail Trade and Hospitality Sector Curriculum
Author(s):   John Howard Society Durham
Published:   2020
Funder:   Durham Workforce Authority

retail tradeBoth the retail trade and hospitality sectors are considered entry-level positions.  According to the Durham Region Retail Trade Industry Summary 2018 Report, “(i)n Canada, (the) retail trade industry employs 2.1 million people, with 11 percent of the total employed labour force working in this sector.” For many communities, the retail trade and hospitality sectors are where the majority of our members find employment.  These sectors both focus on customer experience and service.

File(s):  PDF document Retail Trade and Hospitality Curriculum - Locked.pdf
URL:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13Ey_If1jGwW6Dy8yS7OpWdVKFGCb_GC7
Linked to:   Essential Skills
