Employment Goal Path Resources

 Numeracy in Action: Curriculum and Resources to Understand and Use Numbers
Author(s):   Community Literacy of Ontario
Published:   2015
Funder:   Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

CLO’s “Numeracy in Action: Curriculum and Resources to Understand and Use Numbers” helps meet the needs of learners requiring enhanced numeracy skills.

“Numeracy in Action” contains the following chapters focusing on these task groups:

  • Manage Money
  • Manage Time
  • Use Measures
  • Manage Data

Each chapter is just over 100 pages long, and contains 4 – 5 sample task-based activities for each of the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework’s level indicators related to this competency. 

URL:  http://www.communityliteracyofontario.ca/numeracy-in-action/
Linked to:   OALCF
