Administration, Professional Development and Research Resources

 Soft Skills in Literacy & Basic Skills Programs: A Literature Review
Author(s):   Community Literacy of Ontario/Adaptimist
Published:   March 2024
Funder:   MLITSD

To help understand the impact and importance of the five soft skills, CLO has partnered with Adaptimist Insights to review existing literature on the topic of soft skills training and its impact on adult education.

This literature review investigates best practices for incorporating psychoeducational programming into existing literacy programs. The objectives of the project are threefold:

1.      To identify the key emotional and social deficits most associated with contemporary literacy challenges.

2.      To make recommendations about specific soft skill remediations that could improve literacy at both the individual and group levels.

3.      To identify the mechanics necessary to deliver such programming in the most efficient way possible.

File(s):  PDF document lbs-soft-skills-literature-review-CLO-Adaptimist-March+2024.pdf
Linked to:   Skills for Success