This facilitator’s guide is a tool to help the facilitator construct lessons around the thirteen moons of the Anishinaabe, Cree, and Kaniakeha’:ka (Mohawk) of the Haudenosaunee cultures. Within this guide are all the tools for each of the First Nations represented and the sample lessons can be adapted to each nation.
The Haudenosaunee consists of Six Nations - Mohawk, Cayuga, Seneca, Onondaga, Oneida, and Tuscarora. All six nations follow the same Haudenosaunee cultural values when it comes to the ceremonies according to the celestial calendar. Each of the six nations have their own language and diuretics regarding writing and this guide focuses on the Mohawk Nation. This guide includes the days of the week, thirteen moons, numbers one to thirty-one, and the seasons representative to each culture in both English and each nation’s language. Dialects may vary from nation to nation and community to community.