Workplace Literacy (SFS)


Workplace Literacy Organizational Needs Assessments (ONAs)

Author(s): Laubach Literacy Ontario
Published: 2023
Funder(s): MLITSD

There are many ways to conduct an Organizational Needs Assessment (ONA). Perhaps the most important thing to understand when beginning the process is that it will not be linear. When building a relationship with employers there are many factors impacting their needs, including sudden changes to the business cycle. After all, for-profit industries and not-for-profits must respond to different changes in their environment. Understanding these differences when you enter the ONA process will serve you well.

This resource provides and overview of how to conduct an organization needs assessment to lay the foundation for workplace training.

This is one in a series of four connected resources:

File(s): PDF document LLO ONA Workplace Literacy.pdf
Skills for Success: Adaptability
Creativity and Innovation
Problem Solving