This series of Skills for Success Curriculum Resources is a beginner’s guide to financial management for LBS learners who have recently entered the workforce. The goal is to provide newly-employed learners with resources to aid with effective money-management, budgetary planning, and savings. This series will also provide support for learners navigating certain online financial platforms, like online banking and the Canada Revenue Agency website. These resources are learner-based and activity-focused, with each topic area serving as a mini-lesson, followed by personalized activities. The activities are optional, but they will help embed the key points of the lessons, by inviting learners to respond to lesson material or explore the given online platforms. Practitioners may be required to assist learners by reading the activities. The series is divided into five sections that can be used separately or in tandem: Financial Management for the Newly Employed – Budgeting Financial Management for the Newly Employed – Opening a Savings Account Financial Management for the Newly Employed – Using the CRA Website Financial Management for the Newly Employed – Credit Cards Financial Management for the Newly Employed – Dealing with Debt