Employment Goal Path Resources

 Warehouse Worker & Material Handler Curriculum
Author(s):   CLO & TCLN
Published:   2021
Funder:   MLITSD

As part of our 2020/2021 business plan, Community Literacy of Ontario partnered with the Tri- County Literacy Council (TCLC) to research, write and adapt the Warehouse Worker and Material Handler.

Curricula for adults enrolled in Ontario’s Literacy and Basic Skills agencies are always in high demand, and the staff at Tri-County Literacy Council have extensive experience in curriculum development and delivery.

Community Literacy of Ontario is grateful to Literacy Link Eastern Ontario (LLEO) for allowing its Warehouse Worker and Material Handler curriculum to be revised, adapted and updated by CLO and Tri-County Literacy Council.

  • Module 1: Essential Skills for Material Handlers
  • Module 2: Introduction to Material Handling 
  • Module 3: Working Conditions and Practices 
  • Module 4: Measurement 
  • Module 5: Equipment 
  • Module 6: Health and Safety 
  • Module 7: Job Skills 
Answer Key included

File(s):  PDF document Warehouse-Curriculum-Jan-14-2021-FINAL.pdf
Linked to:   Essential Skills
