The “Task-Based Activities for LBS Online Portal” was created for Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) practitioners in Ontario. It contains task-based activities to use with adult learners. The Portal is an amazing resource to support instruction in the LBS classroom.
All the materials have been aligned to the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF). The activities are versatile and cover all five LBS goal paths; most definitely including apprenticeship. In fact, the Portal contains 152 activities designed for learners on the apprenticeship goal path. The activities on the Portal will also help practitioners to prepare learners to complete milestones.
All materials must go through a peer-review process in order to be used on the Portal. Materials are also reviewed for plain language and re-cast into OALCF language. Currently, there are 570 task-based activities from all goal paths on the Portal, including thousands of tasks. The materials on the “Task Based Activities for LBS Online Portal” are written at a variety of levels and are suitable for diverse goal paths and needs.